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Personal Hygiene in a Basic Emergency Sanitation: Maintaining Cleanliness

Personal Hygiene in a Survival Situation: Maintaining Cleanliness

You cannot forget the survival hygiene kit when hunkering down. Good hygiene is important for your health. Certain things must be done to ensure that hygiene can still be sound while you are hunkering down at home or in a survival situation.

Maintaining Bathroom Control of Sanitation

There is no guarantee that the water supply in your bathroom will continue to work throughout an emergency. If the water doesn’t work, then there’s no problem. If it doesn’t work, there are options, like a hygiene kit for emergencies.

Human Waste Disposal

Composting Toilet:

The composting toilet is a magnificent example of a product you can use to deal with human waste. This toilet will be attached to a deep space where human waste can move. Space will be designed to facilitate the decomposition of the waste and be managed with sawdust to neutralize odors and facilitate the decomposition process.

Disposing of Human Waste Properly:

You might also have to think about eliminating human waste if you have something like a camping toilet if you don’t have access to water for a regular toilet. You will need to take any human waste gathered by such a toilet and secure it in a bag to be moved outside.

You must ensure that the human waste you dispose of is collected in a separate space away from the rest of the garbage. This guarantees that the waste will not contaminate any surfaces and will decompose on its own.

Cleaning and Wiping Surfaces


The sink that you have should be examined with care, as well. You might have to use a hand sanitizer in your bathroom as a method of cleaning off your hands. This ensures that your hands will be protected and free of the dangerous bacteria you might get over time.

Several things must be done to ensure that bacteria and other harmful compounds will not get in the way of any surfaces on your property. Ensure that you clean off the surfaces on your property with care not to be at risk of serious problems. All of your surfaces will have to be treated well, as bacteria can spread easily around a surface.

Store plenty of cleaners:

It would be best if you used plenty of good household cleaners. Look for a sink, mirror, toilet, and counter cleaners. If you can use safe organic cleaners that do not create loads of fumes, you will certainly protect everyone in the home.

Get a vacuum or sweeper ready:

A good vacuum can help you out, but it helps to have a sweeper that does not require power ready. A sweeper can help you collect all sorts of items and use pads that you can dispose of after use. It would help if you had plenty of these pads. On a related note, having ones that can be washed and reused will be even better for you to have.

Use safe cloths for drying off surfaces:

It would be best if you also used safe clothes that are easy to manage. Anything that will not leave off a bunch of lint will help. Besides, any cloth that can be cleaned off properly should be managed with care, as having a cloth will work better than having a bunch of paper towels that you might have to dispose of over time.

Taking Care of Garbage You must be certain that you understand what you want to do with your garbage when hunkering down. Several things have to be done to keep the garbage in your home from being a serious issue.

Solid Waste Disposal

You have to use a few important tips for managing garbage:

  • See if you can reduce the total amount of whatever you produce. Conserving what you have is critical for garbage-management needs as it will ensure your need to manage garbage which won’t be much of a problem. This is especially critical as your garbage might have loads of bacteria that can bother any surface in a home.
  • Check on what you can recycle; make sure you recycle items and use them as compost for a garden if you have one.
  • Reusing some items may also help you out. If you take an old water bottle and wash it out and use it to handle more water, later on, you will certainly reduce the amount of garbage you will produce.
  • If you have to move garbage outside your property, you will have to move your garbage out to a relatively off space. If you can move out to your curb, make sure you do so as quickly as possible; we will talk about what to do if you have to go outside later.

You must be certain that you dispose of your garbage when it gets full. This is especially if you are trying to take care of a baby; you can never tell how many diapers that child will use.

What if you have a Baby?

  • Because you may struggle with the amount of garbage you produce, cloth diapers, which can be washed and reused as needed, may be preferable. You might want to get a separate trash bag for waste and keep it far from anything consumable. Better yet, dig a hole in the ground as a kind of “out” house.”
  • R”usable cloth wipes can also be used in your home when you have to clean off your baby.
  • Keep a changing and care station for the baby away from the food preparation area or other living spaces in your house to protect those places.

Personal Sanitation, Showering and Maintaining Body Hygiene

Your laundry plans should be evaluated while trying to maintain your life while hunkering down. You could technically have access to water during an emergency, but at the same time, you may not have the power you need to get a clothes washer and dryer to work for you. ThatThat’s you would have to use an alternative plan for handling your laundry.

Make sure that you are cautious when getting your laundry ready. You will need lots of space in your home to make it helpful. You can always use the room in your home where you usually do your laundry when taking care of the process.

You can also decrease your need for washing off clothes; if you can wear something for a couple of days, it will surely help you out. Of course, if you become incredibly dirty or the clothes start to wear out, you will surely have to take them off.

Laundry Plans

There are many things that you need to use to manage the laundry on your property:

Washtubs and Washboards:

These old-fashioned tools can be of tremendous help with getting your clothes washed. They They’rer-efficient and will work without the need for any energy but your elbow grease.

Drying Line:

You can add a line onto the wall and use fasteners to secure it in its place so that it will be taut. Make sure the line is not too long, and you have space for whatever you clean.

Personal Sanitation: Shower/Bathe


Practically any soap can be used when managing your clothes this way. You could even use bar soap.

Tooth Brushing:

Toothpaste and extra toothbrushes should be on your “must” have” list.” Use your valuable water supply as little as possible when brushing your teeth.


I am by no means an expert in every aspect of this stuff. I plan to learn, and when possible, enlist the help of experts in various fields to come together and offer their knowledge. In a few years, I dream that this site will be a virtual survival encyclopedia and allow a total novice to come on here and be supplied with everything they need to prepare for anything.

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