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Bugging In: Fortifying and Securing Your Home for SHTF Moment

Securing Your Home After Disaster

A disaster can bring out the best in society as people come together to help one another. However, a disaster can also bring out the worst in people. The desperate need to survive in such a condition and the panic that could arise can cause people to become violent. 

How to Secure Your Home

We know that some will engage in criminal acts. With that in mind, it will be best to protect yourself by using several security measures to keep your property safe and prepping home security.

Create Layers of Protection

Alarms can be used in your home to alert you to intruders on your property or even in your home. Alarms from a reputable security system should be placed around to defend your home in an shtf moment

Alarms Should Entail The Following:

  • A series of durable, tamper-resistant sensors that go around doors, windows, and other spaces outside your home
  • Possible invisible fence sensors around the perimeter of your property
  • Glass breakage sensors that can go off in the event of a broken window
  • A battery-powered control panel that requires the entering of a password
  • Enough sensors to adequately cover your property.

Security Cameras

Cameras can be added to many places all around the outside of the property. Cameras can be placed around the corners, in entry spots, and at several other places outside your residence. They can be connected to a security system and may be battery-powered.

Here are a few tips for using cameras:

  • Get cameras that you know will be sturdy and durable. London’s cheap models might wear out fast.
  • Please ensure the cameras are visible so that people know you’re watching them.
  • If you can get cameras that you can control through a separate control center, it might help to use them.
  • Ensure your cameras are battery-powered to keep working even if the power is out.

Physical Barriers: Fences

Fences can be added outside your home and secure the perimeter. A good hard wooden or metal chain-link fence will be of big help, given that it has correctly secured doors. It also needs to be tall enough so that it would be a challenge for an intruder to climb over it without the risk of injury.

Besides, a good fence needs support posts that go far into the ground to ensure that it will not topple over or be shallow enough for someone to dig a hole beneath it. Fortunately, most today have support posts that can go one or two feet beneath the ground.

Keep Windows and Doors Locked

Get lots of locks for your home to secure your safety. Locks are important for doors, fences, windows, and any other place outside your property. You can also think about getting separate key locks for separate places throughout your home. For example, the door to your home might have a separate key from the door in the rear.

You may also want to get several different locks for some doors. Having locks on the knob and the door doors, plus a chain lock could help.

Either way, you should replace the locks on your home every couple of years. This is to reduce the potential of someone breaking in and have new, sturdy locks ready for anything coming their way.

On a related note, try and see if you can get your doors reinforced. If you have fragile doors, then you may choose to get new doors installed. Ones with metal interiors will always be best since they make it extremely hard for anyone to break down.

Sealing Off Open Spaces

Open spaces can be deadly if the air quality becomes dangerous. This is essentially significant if there are a lot of chemicals in the air outside your home.

  • You can seal off many things in your home using the right materials. From cracks in the windows to cracks in the walls, all need to be sealed off.
  • Check the insulation throughout your home, and make sure there are no empty spots or coverage gaps.
  • Use caulk in spots where air might be coming in.
  • If you see large cracks in a space like your foundation or walls, spray foam may help seal off different materials and harden all sorts of surfaces.
  • A silicone tube can provide a sturdy liquid compound that can seal off windows and fix cracks in those windows.


I am by no means an expert in every aspect of this stuff. I plan to learn, and when possible, enlist the help of experts in various fields to come together and offer their knowledge. In a few years, I dream that this site will be a virtual survival encyclopedia and allow a total novice to come on here and be supplied with everything they need to prepare for anything.

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