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Make Two Small Sized Survival Kit: Pocket and Bag Size

Mini survival kits

The point of this article is to demonstrate how to create small, compact survival kits that are easy to carry with you or store.

Our first is a pocket-sized survival kit (PSK). It’s light enough to fit in your pocket whenever you go out into the wilderness. All of these items should be able to fit into an Altoids tin or an old tobacco tin.

Homemade Pocket Survival Kit

The items include:

  • Small pencil: used for taking notes.
  • Small compass: will help you find your way if you lose but know what direction to move in.
  • Small mirror: used for signaling, inspecting hard-to-see wounds, etc.
  • Lighter: used for starting fires. Zippos are usually more durable than regular lighters.
  • Swiss army knife: multiple uses.
  • Needles and dental floss: used for sewing and stitching. Dental floss can also be used as a fishing line.
  • Water purification tablets: pretty self-explanatory, should you need some clean water.
  • Fishing wire and various hooks: dependent on if you’ll be in an area where fishing is possible.
  • Cotton: can be used to dress wounds, start fires, etc.

The beauty of this kit is that it’s not much larger than a wallet. A basic kit you can carry anywhere has more value than a maxed-out kit with all the trimmings that you don’t have on you when you need it.

Homemade Compact Survival Kit

Our second kit is designed to fit into a 1 lb coffee can. It’s great for storing in the trunk of your car.

The items include:

  • Small pencil and some paper: used for taking notes.
  • Small compass: will help you find your way if you are lost but know what direction to move in.
  • Small mirror: used for signaling, inspecting hard-to-see wounds, etc
  • Lighter: used for starting fires. Zippos are usually more durable than regular lighters.
  • 20+ feet of nylon rope: multiple uses.
  • Swiss army knife: multiple uses.
  • Needles and dental floss: used for sewing and stitching. Dental floss can also be used as a fishing line.
  • Poncho: protection from the rain; choose a bright to attract attention.
  • Candle wrapped in aluminum foil: The foil has multiple purposes for light.
  • Whistle: used to attract attention.
  • Money: a few quarters for payphones, $20+ for gas.
  • 2 large garbage bags
  • Wax paper: when stuffed in, it will stop the items from ratting around and be used as a fire starter.

If you’re storing it in your car, including a 1-2L bottle of water.

That’s it, I hope this helps!

Good luck, and stay prepared!

I am by no means an expert in every aspect of this stuff. I plan to learn, and when possible, enlist the help of experts in various fields to come together and offer their knowledge. In a few years, I dream that this site will be a virtual survival encyclopedia and allow a total novice to come on here and be supplied with everything they need to prepare for anything.

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