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Must-Have Foods for Your Prepper Pantry

Foods for Your Prepper Pantry

Consistent stockpiling of nourishing and long-lasting food is an imperative priority for any prepper. It means that the more individuals prep, the more secure they will be in an emergency or disaster. Here are some suggestions for searching for the right foods to store in your pantry for survival and sustenance before a crisis.

Purified and seltzer water:

First and foremost, you need water to make it through the disaster. Therefore, as described above, you need to plan to have some bottled water available.

Canned food:

It’s also a good idea to stock up on canned goods with high fluid content. Two good examples are canned pineapple juice and canned vegetable juice, which are easily accessible at your local market. These will provide both water and nutrition ions to the body system.

Powdered milk:

This type of milk can last for 2 to 10 years. You only need to add a bit of water to have a nutritious drink any day.

Hard cheeses packed in wax:

It is not always easy to find waxed cheeses, but they are worth the effort. For example, sharp cheddar, Swiss, or parmesan in wax are extremely difficult to find. They last and also provide a great meal option.

Protein bars and protein drinks:

As mentioned above, protein is a crucial energy source for daily nutrition. Canned protein drinks and protein bars last long and can be vital to any pantry-prepping strategy.

Dried and canned meats:

This is another excellent source of protein. A good stock of canned meat products is critical for your prepping pantry. These meats are prepared to last. Examples of these are canned tuna, beef jerky, and chicken.

Bouillon cubes, espresso coffee, and tea:

Tea and coffee also provide caffeine, which is essential for survival during a disaster. These combinations provide nutrition for your drinking needs. Bouillon cubes will provide a bit of a pick-me-up through a dense flavor with a tiny bit of sodium. Meanwhile, instant coffee and tea can keep you awake with caffeine. You might want to have a bit of water with the coffee and tea, though, as they can dehydrate your body.


If you do any cooking, the oil will be vital. Although most oils last one to two years, you can consider coconut oil, which can last years before going bad.

Wheat flour:

For many years, wheat has been a critical diet constituent. It contains vitamins, fiber, protein, and minerals. If you have access to water and other essential cooking ingredients, this product becomes a key baking ingredient even for the simplest meals.

Baby food:

For many people, baby food and infant formula are expensive. If you have a baby, boxed baby cereal and canned formula are easy to store and in great demand. They can serve as alternatives to those expensive brands for children’s survival.


I am by no means an expert in every aspect of this stuff. I plan to learn, and when possible, enlist the help of experts in various fields to come together and offer their knowledge. In a few years, I dream that this site will be a virtual survival encyclopedia and allow a total novice to come on here and be supplied with everything they need to prepare for anything.

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