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Bugging-In: Prepping to Survive in Your Home

Hunkering Down at Home

Bugging in at home is an expression that refers to preparing your home for survival for an extensive period. It requires a defensive position you may have to take in an emergency.

The word “hunker down,” AKA “Bugging-In,” originated from the Old Norse term Huka, which means to squat, and the German word hocken, which means to crouch down. The word was first reported in the United Kingdom in the eighteenth century. It had been popularized as a word used by President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s to inform people to stay wherever they were at given times.

Threats that May Mandate Bugging-In at Home?

Natural Disasters:

Sometimes, a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, or avalanche can force you to stay in one spot because there is no way to get out safely. Let’s say your neighborhood experienced a category 4 or 5 hurricanes or a 7.0 or higher earthquake.

The odds are that the environment around you will be dangerous, and there would be little that the Emergency Services in your area could do to help you out. You’d have to Bugging-In at home for a while.

Times of war or civil unrest:

Some people must Bugging-In as a result of war or civil unrest. People in many parts of the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa have been forced to Bugging-In due to wars.

The Israel-Palestine dispute and the continuing civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are examples. Riots in Detroit in 1967 and Newark, NJ, in 1968 are also examples of society being out of control for some time. In these kinds of cases, Bugging-In may be needed.

Man-Made Disasters:

There have been too many bomb attacks in America to be surprised anymore. The unfortunate examples of Oklahoma City, Boston, and of course, NY all spring to mind. If a situation like this strikes your community, you must stay put, just as the people in these locales did.

It’s a Matter of Safety

Bugging in and preparing your home for survival is often the only thing that can be done if you are in a severe disaster. It may be the key difference between life and death. You must ensure that you prepare yourself and Bugging-In after a catastrophe hits, no matter where you live or how that tragedy occurred in the first place.


I am by no means an expert in every aspect of this stuff. I plan to learn, and when possible, enlist the help of experts in various fields to come together and offer their knowledge. In a few years, I dream that this site will be a virtual survival encyclopedia and allow a total novice to come on here and be supplied with everything they need to prepare for anything.

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